P2 Science CEO Neil Burns Announces Retirement

Burns to step down as CEO and remain as advisor to the company.

Woodbridge, CT – August 1, 2023. Green chemistry company P2 Science announced today the retirement of Neil Burns, effective September 15th 2023. Burns will transition to an advisory role at the company which he has led as CEO from its spin-out from Yale University in 2011.

P2’s board of directors has selected co-founder Patrick Foley, PhD as President to lead the company during its search for a CEO.  Dr. Foley is the lead inventor of P2’s main technology platforms, PIOzÔ (ozonolysis) and PICEÔ (CitropolÔ, the high performance family of polymers).

Burns commented “I am honored to have led P2 over the last 12 years as the company has grown into a leader in the fields of green chemistry, high-performance cosmetics ingredients, sustainable polymers and more recently the application of AI and Machine Learning to new material design and manufacture.” He added “I’m particularly proud of the team we have put together and the talented people we have attracted from all over the country to our sites in Woodbridge and Naugatuck, CT. Given the strength of our people, culture and values, the Company is well-positioned to grow and thrive in the years ahead.”

Rob Bettigole, P2’s Chairman of the Board, added “On behalf of P2’s board of directors, I’d like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Neil for leading P2 from a 2-person start-up to a world-renowned green chemistry company. His unstinting efforts as a champion for the company and its mission have propelled P2 to an enviable position in key markets for sustainable materials.”

Patrick Foley commented “Neil has been a leader, mentor, partner and friend over the past 12 years and P2 will be forever indebted to him for his service. We look forward though to his continued guidance as an advisor and to the next big opportunities at P2.” And added, “Those who know Neil know he will continue to contribute to this industry that he loves in exciting and important ways.”

Burns concluded “This transition, provides me the opportunity to pursue a number of personal and professional passions. Of course, as an advisor to P2, I’ll be on hand, as needed, to help the company on its continuing path to success.”